Energy cooperation models


The cooperation project with the Chair of Organizational Communication and Management, Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, investigates how an optimized exchange between planners, administrators, managers and users can contribute to a greater awareness and competence of users for energy-efficient behavior.

Promotion of communication and cooperation between the actors


Project period

2018 - 2021

Third-party donor

Bundesamt für Energie, Energie Schweiz (Federal Office of Energy, Energy Switzerland)

Despite existing measures for technical operational optimization and approaches to energy-efficient use and management of buildings, the performance gap is still too high for a successful implementation of the Energy Strategy 2050. The cooperation model for the energy-optimised operation and use of residential buildings is designed to reduce the performance gap. Intep collects and analyzes data for the development of an approach to improve cooperation and communication between the actors of medium-sized residential buildings.



Erfassung des Istzustandes durch Dokumentenanalyse, Leitfadeninterviews und Fokusgruppengesprächen

Evaluation der getroffenen Strategien und Massnahmen

Definition von Planungs-, Bewirtschaftungs-, Kommunikationsaufgaben und -prozesse

Entwicklung eines Zusammenarbeitsmodells

Entwicklung und Implementierung von akteurspezifischen Kommunikationsstrategien und -massnahmen

Mögliche Integration der Erkenntnisse in bestehende Standards