SBB Areal Werkstadt

The Areal Werkstadt Zürich between Hohlstrasse and the railway tracks is one of the last major transformation areas in the city of Zurich. In addition to railway operations for the maintenance of trains, there are also individual commercial uses on the site. Over the next 20 years, the area hat to be developed in stages into an attractive location for commercial and industrial innovation, create space for start-up companies and develop into a cultural centre.

A flagship project


Project period

2018 -2019


SBB Immobilien AG

Through process support and the development of innovative energy supply and energy use concepts, intep supports the project management on the SBB side in the development of an energy ‘lighthouse project’ and coordinates the design and submission of corresponding project outlines, in cooperation with partners from the circle of energy specialists, technical universities and the city of Zurich.


Coordination and specific technical support of the project management

Process management in the preparation of project outlines and submission to the Swiss Federal Office of Energy

Vorbereiten, Durchführen und Nachbereiten von Sitzungen und Fachworkshops