Daniel Kellenberger

Division manager

Daniel Kellenberger is an ETH rural engineer with a postgraduate degree in environmental engineering. He has been with intep since 2010 and has been leading team environmental protection and energy management since 2016. In addition, he is project and regional manager of the 2000-watt sites, accredited 2000-watt site consultant and energy city consultant, as well as lecturer at the ETH Zurich and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Zu meiner Person

My fields of activity include research into the development of sustainability standards and labels for building products and buildings for the public sector (Swiss Federal Office of Energy, SwissEnergy, Zurich City Office for Buildings, Energy City, MINERGIE and eco-bau associations, Credit Suisse, etc.) and for private companies (Credit Suisse). On the other hand, consulting activities in sustainability consulting for products, buildings and areas for private companies (Zurich Insurance, HRS Real Estate AG, baumag AG, Contec AG, Duraproof, Isover St. Gobain, cemsuisse). In various projects, I prove my competence in managing complex projects involving various stakeholders.

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Dipl. cultural engineer, ETH Zurich

Dipl. Environmental Engineer, FHNW

Accredited 2000-Watt-Areal-Consultant

Candidate Energy City Consultant


  • Dozent „Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit“ an der Fachhochschule Luzern, Bachelorstudiengang Immobilien im Modul „Immobilien planen und bauen“ (seit 2014)
  • Lehrauftrag an der Eidgenössisch Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), Institut für Bau- und Infrastrukturmanagement, Professur Nachhaltiges Bauen (seit 2013)
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