Intep develops communal and regional energy planning for municipalities and regions and contributes to broadly supported solutions by involving all relevant actors. We support municipalities in using existing energy sources optimally and increasing local added value and autonomy. With a well-founded analysis of the current situation and consideringlocal potentials and regional development scenarios, we contribute to an integrated planning of the energy supply.
Especially for municipalities with grid-bound energy supplying systems or with energy sources of cantonal importance a detailed energy planning, is recommended. But also energy cities (see Energy City and Region) and municipalities with larger sites for development or with existing sites in transformation (see 2000-Watt Sites) benefit from a spatial energy planning. By planning their energy supply these communities show that they are committed to optimize their energy usage and to design it for future generations. This is adequately rewarded in the corresponding programs such as “Energy City” or “2000-Watt Site”.
Currently, many Swiss municipalities and regions are heavily dependent on importing energy from abroad for their heat energy supply because many buildings are heated with oil and natural gas. This energy is also used very inefficiently, for example due to the poor condition of old building envelopes. As a consequence, energy is wasted with a negative impact on the environment and climate which ultimately so affects the quality of life and our budget. In communities with grid-bound energy supply systems, such as gas grids and district heating, economically affordable and renewable solutions must be found in order to create a plannable basis for investors by coordinating of these grids. While planning a sustainable energy supply, it is important not only to identify potential but also future energy requirements and to involve various actors, such as the municipality, canton, utilities, planners and affected private companies in the planning process. Sound knowledge of the current local situation, of possible communal and regional development scenarios and of local potentials is essential. Good energy supply planning is effective beyond the current legislative period and is always oriented towards the reliability of energy supply, is environmentally friendly and cost-efficient.
An energy planning is targeted at coordinating the energy supply in a municipality or region and adapting it to the structural development of the municipality. The goal is to make optimum use of local renewable energies, increase local added value and efficiency, gain more autonomy and become independent of fossil fuels.
The energy plan (situation plan 1:5,000) and the corresponding report illustrate which specifications the municipalities and authorities have to adhere to within the scope of their discretion. The map shows the following:
The planning report contains information on the analysis of the actual state and local potentials, as well as objectives, weighing of interests and measures, including an impact assessment and proposals for controlling. The contents of the energy plan are binding for the authorities and can be incorporated as binding for land owners, for instance in a special land use plan.
With our expertise in energy planning, renewable energies and spatial planning and our experience from long-term consulting activities in municipalities and regions, we are the ideal partner for communal and regional energy planning. Do not hesitate to contact your contact person directly (see contact details below) or use the contact form.